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The New Native of Advertising is Social Media

Native advertisements have been around for decades, but now, they have a new stage to shine. Social media is taking a large piece of the advertising market with in-feed ads, online video, and paid content marketing all creating a new type of marketing pie. According to Rapid TV News, display advertising will increase from $84 billion to $126 billion dollars by 2019.

Social Media

While some of the $126 billion accounts for overall digital media, a large portion of this digital spend will be in social media. According to Rapid TV News, social media is predicted to grow at a rate of 20% a year and online video is growing at a rate of 21% a year.


Native Advertising

While TV commercials were out in the open, social media is a little more stealth. Native advertising and user generated content is king across social media platforms. While brands and users still need to disclose paid partnerships, products prefer the gentle touch across social media. For products looking to break into social media marketing, they should focus on storytelling instead of the yell and sell.
