Wisdom Tooth PSA Video live in Times Square
Jumpstarting conversations about opioid risks is the mission of The Partnership For A Drug-Free NJ. “Don’t Let Her Toothache Lead To Your Heartache™” is our newest video collaboration. We’re excited to get so many eyeballs on this important topic.
The statistics for opioid-risk connected to wisdom tooth operations deserve such conversations.
Consider this article:
"In a new study published in JAMA on Monday, researchers from Stanford University and the University of California, San Francisco found that among around 15,000 patients aged 16 to 25 who received opioids from their dentists, almost 7 percent went back to a healthcare provider for additional opioids between 3 and 12 months later. Nearly 6 percent were diagnosed with opioid abuse within one year after the initial prescription. In contrast, only 0.4 percent of patients who were not prescribed dental opioids were later diagnosed with opioid abuse." (Popular Science, December 2018).

Concepts Video Productions Times Square PSA
Credits of this Concepts Video Production include:
Client: The Partnership For A Drug-Free NJ
Executive Producer: Collette Liantonio & Jon Calderaro
Art Director: Scott English
Writer: Collette Liantonio
Director of Post-Production: James Nolan
Producer: Marissa Ciancitto