Marketing Health and Wellness Since 1983
Concepts Video - Marketing Health and Wellness Since 1983.
Choose Concepts Video for all of your healthcare video needs.
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Concepts Video - Marketing Health and Wellness Since 1983.
Choose Concepts Video for all of your healthcare video needs.
Take a look at our new demo reel below:
BY: Steve Miller
As the Visual Effects Director at Concepts TV, the best compliment I can get is when you don’t notice my work. Blemish removal, object removal, color swapping, chroma keying, and on rare occasions adding a completely new product into an already existing scene in post production.
Case in point: If your talent comes in for a shoot riddled with sunburn, and with no chance of rescheduling. What do you do? You need an expert compositor to isolate the skin tone, and manipulate the hue and color. The work I do can save thousands of dollars, and eliminate headaches.
When it comes to commercial content, we approach everything with a ‚“mute” button in mind. For example, if a consumer isn’t hearing what a product can offer. The visuals need to tell a complete story. By isolating the small of someones back, and adding a glow effect. You’re reinforcing the pain in that area. Add your talents movements to the mix, and you’re in need of motion tracking and rotoscoping to really sell the idea that they are in pain.
Online video is to pharmaceutical marketing as Viagra is to relationships: exciting and engaging, with long lasting, fulfilling and beneficial side effects. If you don't want your pharmaceutical marketing campaign to fall flaccid, you have to pump it up with unique online video content. Online video is sure to deliver inflated results that will increase your campaigns libido. Read on to learn why your pharmaceutical marketing campaign needs video content.
16 minutes and 49 seconds - Average time a consumer spends watching online ads each month
80 percent of consumers say a video showing how a product or service works is important when learning about the company
Credit: Animoto
About half of customers say that 'about the company' videos are the most helpful when purchasing a product/service
Credit: Animoto
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The takeaway from all of this: If you’re not using online video as part of your pharma marketing campaign then you’re missing a massive opportunity. While the number of people watching online videos is staggering, it’s more important to note how they interact with your videos. Online videos drive users to company websites which in turn drives sales and builds a customer for life. At Concepts Video we have an award winning history with 30+ years in video production. Some of our clients are venerable brands like National Geographic, Timex, and Direct TV. At Concepts Video and we specialize in:
Animoto surveyed a representative sample of U.S. adult consumers to learn about consumer perception and experiences with video marketing as a promotional medium. The web-based survey was fielded December 26-30, 2013 with a sample size of 1,014 (Margin of error +/- 3 percent at a 95 percent confidence level). Photo source: Animoto
MUSE, curated by Klick Health, is an inspirational gathering where healthcare thought leaders, healthcare video artists, and technological innovators happily collide through presentation and conversation. The most recent MUSE NYC 2016 occurred on March 31st at Center548. The lineup of speakers was superb: Leerom Segal, Klick Health CEO, Ron Fournier, political columnist, Louie Schwartzberg, award-winning filmmaker, Claire Wineland, Seventeen Magazine’s “Power Teen,” Dr. John Brownstein, professor and health innovator, Susan Bennett, original voice of Apple’s Siri, Professor Marc Edwards, Flint Michigan warrior, Dan White, celebrity magician, and Arianna Huffington.
If your focus includes compelling visual storytelling, Louie Schwartzberg’s jaw-dropping time-lapse cinematography particularly resonated. Schwartzberg reflected on our collective human need for absorbing the visuals of unfiltered nature. Screening pure wildlife videos can be healing, and there is an opportunity for such videos to be broadcast much more widely throughout many hospitals, medical offices and other healthcare venues.
Here’s a sampling of Louie’s work:
Another highlight of MUSE NYC 2016 can be attributed to the presentation of Harvard Medical School Professor, Boston Children’s Hospital Chief Innovation Officer, and Uber Healthcare advisor, John Brownstein, PhD. “3.6 million patients across the US miss at least one appointment due to lack of access to transportation,” Brownstein cited, as he introduced Circulation, a new vision for non-emergency transportation.
MUSE NYC 2016 densely packed in illuminating conversations on so many topics; this is only a small sampling. Keynote speaker Arianna Huffington addressed the all-importance of a good night’s sleep. A very interesting point that she brought up is that 75% of health is tied to lifestyle choices, only 25% to genetics. Obviously, there are many opportunities to teach people how to be healthier. Later, when Arianna exclaimed, “A good day starts the night before by getting enough sleep,” a majority of MUSE attendees wondered if they should run home for healing slumber, or temporarily disregard that wisdom and stay for the sounds of DJ Skratch Bastid.
James Nolan is Vice President/Senior Editor at Concepts Video, specializing in healthcare video marketing and post-production.
James can be reached at
By: Dana Conklin
Which is right for your product? Here’s 2 questions to ask yourself before starting production:
Does your product need an explanation or does the demo speak for itself?
Shooting and airing a 2 minute commercial may be more affordable than a half hour infomercial, but will it be effective? Is that enough time to get your message across? If the demo demonstration or a candid testimonial can instantly explain what the product does a short form may be right for you.
Tip: Animation is a very effective tool to quickly demonstrate the inner’ workings of a product. Here are some examples of some winning short form commercials:
If the product needs more explanation, scientific research or a clinical test group, a long form infomercial allows you the necessary time to grab and hook the consumer. Here are some examples of some winning long form commercials:
What is your price point?
If you can part with your product for $19.99 short form is right for you! If your product is a high ticket item, you might need the extra selling time to convince the consumer. For example: If you are selling workout equipment, fill the screen with heartfelt testimonials and before & after photos so they can visualize themselves losing the weight. Compare your machine to others and why yours will make them lose more weight in less time. With a high ticket item, the more reinforcement the easier the sell.
With over 30+ years of experience and an extensive network of DR industry experts, Concepts TV is your one stop creative Direct Response shop. Let us transform your product into a Direct Response legend.