
Small Businesses Click to Online Video

While big businesses have invested in video for decades, small and medium sized businesses are starting to realize the true value of video marketing. With the advent of social media giants like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and Periscope, it’s clear that online video is an integral part of any successful marketing strategy.

As millennials age into a prized financial demographic, small businesses are integrating video into their marketing campaigns. While video campaigns used to involve Hollywood stars and big budgets, now, small businesses can take advantage of the video generation without the traditional high budgets of their big business counterparts. A mom & pop shop can now create video at a much lower cost than 10 years ago.


Video Moves to the Small Screen

20 years ago, companies that created videos for marketing purposes traditionally lived on television. With television came big media budgets that blocked out many small and medium sized businesses. In 2017, viewers are consuming the majority of their content on their computers or their smartphones. For the marketer, the cost to entry to market on web is significantly lower than television. Plus, according to Marketing Land “YouTube reaches more adults 18+ during prime time than any cable network does.”

In 2016, Mark Zuckerberg told Buzzfeed,

“We’re entering this new golden age of video … I wouldn’t be surprised if you fast-forward five years and most of the content that people see on Facebook and are sharing on a day-to-day basis is video.”

If you want your company to stand out from the pack, contact us at Concepts Video for all of your video needs.


Kasteler, Jordan. “It’s Time for SMBs to go all in on social and mobile video.” Marketing Land. June 22, 2017. http://marketingland.com/time-smbs-go-video-social-mobile-217925


Online Video: Social Media is the New Commercial

In 2017, people are turning off their TV’s and consuming the majority of media on their phones and computers. While traditional television advertising is changing, online video offers advertisers a whole new way to reach potential customers. One of the largest platforms for advertisers to market themselves is on social media.

Social Media

According to the Cambridge Network, “social media platforms are the perfect place to showcase pre rolls and teasers to create buzz, start a conversation about your brand.” With individuals consuming nearly two hours a day on social media (Cambridge Network), there is a huge opportunity for brands to appear in that large window. Pre-roll on YouTube videos (the short advertisement before the YouTube video) or sponsorships in influencer marketing campaigns are the way to go for commercials in 2017.



Viewers are no longer passively consuming commercials like traditional television. With social media and online video, audiences are asked to like, comment, and share content that they deem worthy. For the scrolling generation, this means that brands need to stand out with an eye-catching cover photo and captivating first few seconds. It is easier than ever to click away from an advertisement so make sure that your videos are share-worthy.


The advertising world has long used testimonials to boost reputability of a product and that is more important than ever in 2017. With websites like YouTube, Google Reviews, AirBnb, and Yelp, these video testimonials are building first person brand trust amongst consumers.

Concepts Video specializes in share-worthy videos and testimonials. Reach out to us for your quote today! Lauren@conceptstv.com.


"The Importance of Powerful Video." The Cambridge Network. https://www.cambridgenetwork.co.uk/news/video-strategy-video-should-be-a-part-of-your-marketing/

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The Future is Online Video

By 2020, “IP video traffic will comprise 82 percent of all consumer Internet traffic, up from 70 percent in 2015.” It is imperative for advertisers' future to be in the digital realm, whether it is video on demand, social media, or Internet video and Concepts Video can take you there.

Virtual Reality

One of the main stays of increased Internet traffic is virtual reality, whose traffic quadrupled in 2015. Virtual Reality streaming requires a high bandwidth that will contribute to Internet consumption. Concepts Video produces virtual reality content for all platforms.


Smartphone Friendly

According to statistics, smartphone traffic will exceed PC traffic by 2020. In 2015, PC’s narrowly exceeded smartphone traffic, but that won’t last for long. Advertisements and brand content that appear on smartphones need to be able to last past a swipe. They need to be smartphone friendly with no picture-in-picture shots and no split screens to take advantage of the small screen size. Advertisers must also gear their content towards short-form as many people do not want to watch long videos and advertisements on their phones.


Johnson, Zac. The Future is Online Video and here are the Stats to Prove it. Business 2 Community. June 18, 2017. http://www.business2community.com/infographics/future-online-video-stats-prove-infographic-01861786#KWWI50msa88upq6Z.97

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Consumer Outlook: Content Consumption

Video is going through its own renaissance and advertisers are pivoting to hop on the digital avenue. Last year, video accounted for 73% of web traffic and it is predicted that in 2021, video will make up 82% of all Internet traffic. As content consumption shifts away from traditional television and onto digital platforms, advertisers have an opportunity to produce memorable content for millennials.

Live Video

It is projected that live video will be “the fastest growing segment of internet video thanks to new video offerings like Facebook Live, Twitter’s broadcast of live sports and live over-the-top bundles from companies like AT&T, YouTube and Hulu.” For advertisers, this means that foraying into the Live Video platform will be extremely advantageous to bottom lines. Just as QVC ruled the airwaves for ages, Zappos has an online video catalogue, and now advertisers can try live demonstrations on Facebook Live platforms.


While TV is not dead yet, cable networks are shifting content towards digital platforms. The Travel Channel and Land Rover recently created a digital series, Uncharted Discoveries, which had a live component to the adventure, asking followers to vote on Facebook Live. The live component dictated exactly what was going to happen in the filmed series. This series also coupled the Travel Channel’s highest-ranking host with a group of digital influencers, marrying traditional TV with modern digital.

Concepts Video has been in the video industry for nearly 35 years, building an expertise in brands despite constant changes to the video industry. Call us today to create Live Video, branded campaigns, and digital content.


Molla, Rani. An explosion of online video could triple bandwidth consumption again in the next five years. June 8, 2017. https://www.recode.net/2017/6/8/15757594/future-internet-traffic-watch-live-video-facebook-google-netflix