

‘Lock Down’ Your Weight Loss Goals

It’s time to lose those pandemic pounds the same way you gained the comfort of your own home! According to a survey by The New York Post, 75% of Americans surveyed believe, “it’s actually easier than ever to maintain their fitness routines in the comfort of their own homes.” So Our team at Concepts TV is proud to share some of our favorite at-home health and wellness products we’ve produced to help you look and feel your best without having to leave your home! 

After being in lockdown, it’s harder than ever to stay motivated and consistent. But with HealthyWager, the program that lets you get paid to lose weight, you can better your habits and improve your lifestyle! HealthyWage uses psychology and large cash prizes to provide the structure, accountability, and motivation you need to succeed. Check out the prize calculator on to choose your weight loss goal and your time frame, then HealthyWage will calculate your cash prize... up to $10,000! 

Ready to pop, lock, and drop those extra pounds away? Skip the boring sit-ups and crunches but keep the great results with Hip Hop Abs! Created by professional Fitness Expert and Choreographer Shaun T, Hip Hop Abs is always a fun and effective way to burn fat while sculpting your abs. Follow Shaun T’s dance moves while listening to great music and before you know it, your body will be transformed! 

If you’re looking to see quick full-body results before the holidays, Beachbody’s Slim In 6 Rapid Results Program is 100% proven to slim you down in just 6 weeks! This exciting program includes DVDs that allow you to follow Fitness Expert and Trainer Debbie Siebers’s workouts, right in your living room. Devoting less than an hour a day, these high repetition and resistance workouts will slim you down in no time! 

Sharing fitness equipment in the gym is not ideal during these unpredictable times. So, say goodbye to the gym and hello to the comfort and efficiency of The MaxiClimber. The MaxiClimber allows for full body workouts that are perfect for anyone looking to tone and slim down with just one machine. Target your upper body, lower body and your core without ever having to switch machines! 


Lost the weight and looking to lean and tone your body? Now with Core Shaper, you can transform your body in just ten minutes a day! Core Shaper is low impact and promises to be an effective and safe at-home workout machine. Get fast results while simultaneously using Core Shaper’s rolling support movement that exercises, massages, and stimulates your muscles. Portable and easy to store, Core Shaper is the ideal workout to get the washboard abs you’ve always dreamed of!

90 East Halsey Rd, Suite 105, Parsippany, NJ, 07054 | | 973-331-1500